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Jobbnorge Presentation

Site's statement

Job Norway delivers professional recruitment tools and production of job ads in one package. Our online recruitment tool Job Accounting provides opportunities for vacant positions in print and online, management of applications and professional communication with applicants.

Our clients are private and public enterprises across the country. Our experience and depth through many years in the business means that we have a particularly high level of competence. This makes us competitive in an industry where professionalism and accuracy are essential for customer satisfaction.

Jobboard Finder’s opinion

Summary: Jobbnorge, which started under the name of the Cicero Advertising Agency, has been around for almost 27 years. Today, Solhol AS (which is a real-estate company) owns most of the shares (17%) of the company. It gets about 580 070 visits per month from people all over the world (only 50% of the activity is from Norway, and 8% is from Iran). In addition to its job board function, Jobbnorge also organises forums for its users, classes for recruiters and they help design adverts. They have just under 1 000 Twitter followers, 7 900 on Facebook and 590 on Linkedin.

Design: The homepage is dominantly white, with a banner advertising their three different sectors, which are also clearly presented by three different portals under the banner: find jobs, jobadmin and advertising. Below that, universities and some companies are featured (for unexplained reasons). The website is only partially translated but it is easy to use despite that. They also provide information about the team (including photos and Linkedin pages). To find jobs, you need to choose a location, an industry, a period (this week, last week) or world jobs. Once you access the job listing (which takes up a third of the page), the filters are refined (and you need to go back to the homepage to select a different category), the job offers appear in a list with the company logo, company name, location, deadline, job title, the hours (fulltime or part time) and the contract duration (“permanent” for example). You can view them in order of the relevance, the deadline, the freshness or the employer (alphabetical). Once opened, the job offer description takes up most of the page with the additional information on the right-hand side. Some pages are much fancier, with colours, various sections, videos, but they all have the same application-tracking layout.

The job board objective: Jobbnorge emphasizes their diversity: they provide a job board, additional services to create professional adverts and programs for a better internal organization.  

Recruiter observations: There is easy to find contact information (and each team member has a their own landline). However, to create an account, you need to contact the website. Non-Norwegian companies need to pay for the entire advertising cost upfront. They take care of creating an appealing advert and you can gain access to the CV-database but you need to pay an additional fee.

Jobseeker observations: It is very easy to create an account. The dashboard is in three parts: available jobs, e-mails and CVs. You have a different section to help create a CV (standard, academic or juridical) or you can upload one (but it needs to be a ZIP file). You need a CV to apply to a job offer.

The job offers: There are currently 960 jobs on the website (only 6 international positions). When you apply to an offer, each step of the application is clearly indicated and often includes questions. The categories with the most job offers are education (402) and public services (373), followed by health and research with over 100 job offers each. About half of the categories have under 10 job offers. 

Reactivity: They answer very quickly and are they are very helpful.

Special features: job alert; clear privacy policy; the forums.

Verdict: The website is easy to use and the additional questions when applying to job offers is helpful. The job offers are updated thanks to the deadline and the very reactive team. It is a bit of a shame that the website does not have more features.

Written by Ali Neill

As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website's social media pages.

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Marketing activities

  • graphic services
  • Employer branding
  • Creative ads


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