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Myjob Presentation

Site's statement has a young, specialized and business oriented team, which sustains companies in finding proper employees, for their recruitment vacancies. Our site is targeting medium and high education candidates. We have job adds for specialists like engineers, doctors, marketing & sale specialists etc.

Jobboard Finder’s opinion

Summary: MyJob is a national job board, which has been around since 2001, so it was among the first job boards in the country. It belongs to Active Soft, a large web application firm, which has created a number of websites. The rates have been down in the past but now they are over 601 360 views a month. The site has also added the https security which was missing, which is great news! It managed to attract 560 followers on Linkedin and another 26 846 on Facebook, but it doesn’t even have links to the social media on the website.

Design: MyJob has undergone a make-over recently. It no longer has an orange and blue colour scheme, but rather a dark blue one. It added a backdrop image of people working in a team around a table. The search engine (keywords and location) covers most of the image, and the filters (experience, type of contract hours and the industry) appear in the form of an advanced search. The homepage also advertises the blog articles (of which there are many) and some of the job offers. The job listing is actually a grid and it’s always reassuring to know the offers have publication and expiry dates. If you want more information on companies, you can check out the company listing where you can see the companies by sector (and in alphabetical order). The job offers have the same fonts and sections.

The job board objective: MyJob focuses on Romanian jobseekers and Romanian companies, making it easy to find information and work on one easy-to-use job board.

Recruiter observations: when you create an account, you choose the panel candidate or company. It’s not that difficult to create an account, even if you are supposed to provide tax numbers (the site doesn’t check them) and it’s all in Romanian. On the dashboard, you can purchase credits and see job advert statistics, but the language barrier really is an issue for foreigners.

Jobseeker observations: It’s easy to create an account.

The job offers: There are 69 job offers on the website at the moment but there are thousands of companies. There is no more than a handful of job offers for any of the industries.

Reactivity: The team answers quickly.

Special features: The blog (no dates, but some interesting ideas for the articles); the traffic ranking; job alerts; the survey (in Romanian); the Christmas offer; the CV help.

Verdict: Even if the design is rather attractive, there aren't that many job offers on the site. That said, the activity has gone up drastically over the past few years.

Written by Ali Neill

As the job board tester and blog editor for the Jobboard Finder, Ali works on job boards from all around the world and keeps a close eye on the recruitment trends thanks to a number of sources, including the website's social media pages.

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Online and print campaigns, education events, business events.

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Media Partners

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